The Apocalypse We Need: Cultivating Spiritual Resiliency in the Face of Fascism and White Christian Nationalism

Rev. Latishia James In the almost eight years since I wrote Apocalyptic Faith, many vulnerable communities, some of which I am part of, have experienced multiple apocalypses due to late stage capitalism and white supremacy. Most recently wildfires in southern…

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Now What?

Rev. Angela Tyler-Williams, SACReD Co-Director for Movement Building Take a deep breath – this is deep work, and we need you for the long haul. Inhale. Exhale. These are the words that closed SACReD’s call to action after the draft…

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SACReD Updates

SACReD Gathering: May 7-9! SACReD Gathering: May 7-9!Mark your calendar and plan to join us! The 2024 SACReD Gathering is in New Orleans, May 7-9. Can’t join us in person? There will be virtual options too!You can reserve your hotel room…

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Where is God in this?

Greetings beloveds,  It has been an agonizing month, and for some much longer. When the devastating events of October 7th first occurred SACReD leaned into our values and tended to our beloved community. We spent time reaching into our partners…

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A Faith-Rooted Response to the Dobbs Anti-versary

Part of the reason Roe fell was because the broader repro movement has lacked a comprehensive faith strategy. The fall of Roe is not solely a political problem, and it cannot have solely a political solution. People of faith have been active with clear strategies and tactics for a long time. We are essential to changing the cultural, political, and practical realities of our reproductive lives in this country.
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